Health Benefits
Citrus fruit are well renowned for Vitamin C content – and for good reason. One orange provides almost twice the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. However citrus are being shown to be a packed full of other health benefits too. Generally, citrus fruits have one of the highest antioxidant activity of all fruits, helping to boost the immune system and protect against cancer and heart disease.
Did you know citrus fruits …
- Are rich in antioxidants that help maintain brain function and keep aging bones and joints in tip top shape!
- Are the richest fruit source of the antioxidant hesperetin, which protect cells as we age!
- May reduce the damaging effects of cholesterol and heart disease by protecting the inside of artery walls
- Reduce the risk of developing a range of cancers
- Boost the immune system with all of the recommended vitamin C in take in just one Australian orange!
- Are high in folic acid and ideal for pregnant women with one orange providing 18% of the recommended daily intake.
- Are high in dietary fibre and help prevent bowel problems, improve cholesterol levels and reduce risk of heart disease.
- Are natural sources of sweetness and provide just 2% of your daily energy needs in one medium orange.
Recent research has revealed that special antioxidants found in oranges help keep bones and joints in tip top shape and protect against osteoporosis as we age. Oranges improve bone strength by slowing down and reducing bone loss.
A study of 70,000 women has shown that those who consumed higher levels of flavenone compounds (found in the greatest concentrations in oranges and grapefruit) showed a reduced risk of ischemic stroke.
Eating an orange a day will also improve your feelings of alertness throughout the morning. If you are running low on fuel with no time to sit back and recharge your batteries, boost your energy levels the natural way and eat Australian oranges.
Scientific evidence suggests that the polyphenols found in oranges will help keep your brain active. Add an orange to your breakfast for that all important get up and go feeling each morning. If you feel exhausted in the afternoon and can’t function without a gallon of coffee, why not include a juicy navel orange in your lunchbox to keep your brain functioning all day.
Oranges are a source of carbohydrate and contain B vitamins for that extra energy boost; ideal replacements for power drinks and quick fix chocolate bars! oranges are also a natural source of sweetness and are perfect for children as can be cut into quarters easily, are seedless, travel well and one medium orange a day provides more than 100% of their vitamin C requirements! If your children are tired and grumpy in the mornings, try including an orange in their diet to give them more vitality and improve their concentration at school.
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice offer significant health benefits, including natural antioxidants that can help prevent disease. In November 2012, Florida Department of Citrus scientists confirmed there was no scientific evidence that taking grapefruit juice with widely prescribed medication has injured anyone. For more information download the Enjoying Grapefruit Patients Guide.
It only takes a minute to squeeze all those nutrients into your diet. Take a ‘half-time’ break with your family and oranges! Whether you prefer eating your orange whole, slicing segments for your little ones or introducing them to delicious dishes, oranges are the perfect low-fat sweet treat!
Related links and documents:
Tips For Using Citrus
Buying Tips
Look for fruit that is heavy for its size. That way you are guaranteed that it will be full of juice.
Fruit should be firm to touch and give slightly when pressure is applied
Oranges are picked mature and ready to eat and do not ripen after picking.
WA citrus can be stored in a fruit bowl during the cooler months for a few days but for best results store citrus in the fridge, especially in summer.
Health Tips
Excellent source of vitamin C with one medium orange supplying more than twice the recommended daily needs.
Contain vitamin B, potassium and calcium.
Good source of fibre and antioxidants
Very low in kilojoules:
A small orange (100 g) contains 188kJ
A medium mandarin (105g) contains 170 kJ
Preparation Tips
Both the skin (zest) and the juice provide intense flavour.
Don’t use the white pith as it is bitter.
Frozen citrus is a refreshing snack through the summer. Cut in quarters and place in an airtight container in the freezer.
Fresh or frozen citrus pieces are refreshing additions to fruit smoothies.
Use juice to stop browning of cut fruit and vegetables.
Try segments served with fish.
Dry citrus peel in the sun or oven. When completely dry, use in among clothes to keep away moths.
Use a sharp knife to trim top and bottom, then cut around the curve of the fruit to remove the skin.
Add a few slices to chilled water for refreshing tang for summer rehydrating.
Use a good, sharp vegetable peeler to remove peel being sure to leave the white pith to avoid bitterness. Slice peels into very fine strips. Spread in a single layer on a lined baking tray and bake in a slow oven until they curl and harden slightly – 25 to 30 minutes. Allow to cool. Store in airtight container. Use to flavour sweet and savoury dishes.
Squeeze lemon juice and freeze in ice cubes to have lemon juice on hand at any time.
Warm the lemon slightly or roll it around on the table or bench top before squeezing to get the most juice.